Friday, April 28, 2006

News You Can Use:

Along with a couple of cigarettes, a latte from Au Bon Pain, and a lateral job move – things are on the up-and-up at Shangri La.

I’m happy to report that my finger that I got jammed in the back of a chair on a date with a certain software writing Irishman has healed nicely. The index finger on my dominant (read: LEFT) hand is a little tender to the touch but otherwise in working order. I had a bit of a scare after a nasty infection left it puffy and hurting. Thus causing me to take anti-biotics for a week to cure the raging infection. This begs the question below:

Question of the day: Do they sell shirts that say – I Went On A Date With An Irishman And All I Got Was This Lousy Infected Finger??

I’m getting a new roommate. She moves in on 5/01. Good thing too as this is day 27 of unwanted houseguestville… Talk about roommate’s taking advantage. Oh well, f**k her. She’s going to Spain in a few months. I think an ocean separating us will be a good thing.

Choline/Inositol and B-12 are the latest supplements I’ve been adding to my diet. I was informed these act as mood stabilizers – and while I could have easily gotten Paxil or Welbutrin from the shrink I went to visit a few weeks ago, I prefer to take the natural route first. Although, I find for a lot of New Yorkers, it’s very natural to take mood stabilizing medication….

While I’ve been encouraged by one of my parents not to be discouraged or beat myself up because I could have done something better, I can’t help but notice that I’m an abysmal failure when it comes to dealings with the less-fair sex. For a long time I’ve been considering translating these endeavors (read: FAILURES) into a bestseller. With the financial rewards from my best seller, I plan to buy a house on a canal in Holland. Maybe even a windmill. I will make cheese out of this windmill. Perhaps I will sell it with the following promotional: GOUDA NUFF FOR ME GOUDA NUFF FOR YOU!

Wednesday, April 19, 2006


Missed connection with my sobriety:

It was a warm Saturday afternoon on the Upper West Side. We started out walking hand-in-hand. But soon, after a few beers, I felt you slipping away. After putting off a long, much-needed nap, I lost track of you altogether. You've since returned but you've been giving me the cold should ever since. What can I do to make up? Meet for drinks at Faces and Names on 54th tonight?

Friday, April 14, 2006

Post for Pecky - RIP

This post is for Pecky. My pet baby chick. He (she?) died a long time ago (from loneliness when I left for summer vacation) but I remember him fondly. He was a good chicken to me and kept me company.

Extra Extra!!

Yipeee!! Just when I started get get depressed because Lobster Week at the Blobster has come and gone, I get news that it's MARGARITA MADNESS at Chilis! Is there a Chilis in Manhattan? I know there's one in Long Island... Or maybe that's an Applebees.

In addition to this festival at Chilis. Here's what else is going on in the world:

- Happy Easter
- Happy Buddhist New Year!
- Happy Taxes! (have you done yours?)
- Happy Full-Moon
- Happy Passover

... Did I miss anything?

This is how I feel about house guests overstaying their welcome - That and inconsiderate roommates


I wake this morning to the sweet, melodic sound of construction taking place outside my bedroom window. This was problematic as all I wanted to do was continue sleeping and sweating while tossing and turning in my 350 thread count sheets (yeah, yeah... that sort of sucks, I know). I resisted the urge to freak out as my aching head and slightly queasy stomach wouldn't allow it. I think it must've had something to do with the wine, cigarettes, doritos and cold chunky soup eaten straight from the can once returning to casa de Mozo.

New Obsession: Sleeper Cell
This show is so awesome! The production, the actors, the music, even the imaging and camera work is top notch. I approve. In addition, the guys on this show are HOT! Especially this dude. This is just a really good show with twists and turns to keep you on the edge of your seat episode after episode. What's really scary, is you find yourself vested in the lives of these terrorists. It's SO awesome! You HAVE to see this show. It's on Showtime.

Happy Good Friday everyone! Read more about this catholic holiday here.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006


ME: Well, hello important person in my life - do you have any special birthday requests?

IMPORTANT PERSON IN MY LIFE: Yes, don't annoy me.

ME: That is a very tall order!


Subway/Foot drama

My morning – I was en route to the subway platform when this retard steps on the back of my flip flop, causing it to come OFF and forcing me to place my beautifully manicured ped on the dingy, disgusting subway station floor! I thought I was going to freak out. Besides the fact that I was tired, hadn’t had my coffee, and was not looking forward to standing squished against a subway door on my morning commute, I now had to deal with this. So, in typical New York City fashion – I loudly exclaim, “That SUCKS!” To which he emphatically replied, “I’m SORRY!” This was a beautiful exchange. I relish putting it in writing.

Another Winner from Yahoo News

This is so awesome! I love that when you pull up the Yahoo home page this is what you see... Once again, I suppose there is nothing really happening in the world. Don't worry about the war in Iraq, the war on terror or anything like that.... Nah! We got Natures Glue to grab our attention today!

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

The Birds and the BEES...

There must not be a lot HAPPENING in the world of news today. This was one of the headlines on Yahoo news. I'm not saying they are the most credible news source online - but... are you kidding????

I don't want to get out of bed...

Is today only Tuesday? I was really hoping it would be Friday... or at least THURSDAY... Short week this week due to the upcoming religious holidays. I think I'll show my face in the house of god - as a good catholic girl should. And then, chances are - you'll find me in a pub house somewhere - kickin' it with all the happy New Yorkers thrilled about the smell of spring floating through the air.

SO... I need to lose 20lbs. Anybody got any ideas how to help w/this? I'm thinking lean cuisine...

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Spring in NYC!!!

Yipee! I can now add decent pics to my blog! Check out these photos taken after teaching class this morning. Yup - it's spring in NYC!

Monday, April 03, 2006

Extra Extra! Couple of things to get off my chest...

It's Lobster Week at Red Lobster! Hallelujah! I was seriously considering calling it quits until I saw that succulent lobster being dipped into drained butter... for 1/2 the price! Now I realize life IS worth living. Thanks Red Blobster for bringing new meaning back into my life. *

* Side note: I was once cut off at a Red Blobster during college for having ONE too many Lobsteritas at Thursday brunch (yes, I realize this sounds weird on a number levels - but it was college and brunch was our version of breakfast. Who wakes up before noon when they're an upperclassman? I mean, really?)

In other news, I've noticed that the KY Jelly commercials have gone mainstream - gaining Prime Time advertising slots during Friends and Law and Order on TNT. They now have a new (well, I guess it's not THAT new... not that I would know or anything!) version called KY Warming Liquid and Massage Oil. I LOVE that they're pushing it as MASSAGE oil! Come on! Who are they kidding??? But whatever, I guess even people that watch Prime Time tv need to get their game on once in a while also...

More BIG news! New product on the market - looks like the below par chocolate producer Hershey's has decided to put a new spin on an old classic. Kisses. Well, now the kisses are covered in a colored sugar coating... WOW! What an amazing invention! Too bad it was already invented like, a billion years ago. Yeah, I believe they were called M&M's...

I've decided to try and focus on blogging more again. Why? I don't know, because I need an outlet for my creativity and anger... Yes, I am becoming a woman of anger and rage. It's probably better than the commonly known version of myself (read: pushover, softee, wears-her-heart-on-her-sleeve, etc.). I think I will wear my new anger well...