My Little Starbucks Adventure

So, I wandered into relative unknown territory today... I went to Starbucks! Now, I'm not a big fan of the Bux for a variety of reasons... One being, I think it's retarted to pay $5 for a cup of coffee. I don't care if it has plutonium droplets or angel piss in it - no coffee is worth five dollars. In addition, I'm not even such a big fan of their coffee. As stated in a previous post, some of you know that I drink instant (gasp!). My morning cup of Folgers can rival that coffee house sludge any day. However, all that aside, I discovered the draw to this odd place. Starbucks has to be one of the largest untapped pick-up joints in the city! My first indicator was walking in and having like, 3 dudes check me out! I don't even look all that exceptional today... Ever the astute observer of human behavior, I began looking around and realized that both the males and females were engaging in various eye-games rivaling that of any NY watering hole on a Saturday night (sans the slutty outfits for women and the stripey's for men). That's when it hit me, if you want to find a date - look no further than your local coffee house. Granted, you won't get the guy coming up to you slurring his words proposing you and he go back to his diggs for a heated game of chess - instead, you find the guy who's all cracked out on 7 Chai Lattes asking if he can "borrow your cell" since he's in a dead-zone, blah blah blah... and that's how it starts... So, go to Starbucks, get your coffee on and who knows.... maybe the only thing grinding at Starbucks won't be your coffee beans...
Sadly I don't drink coffee. But good detective work.
I know you don't drink coffee Colin. You drink Hot Apple Blasts...
Those rule so much!
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