Help! Is it possible that I've never been this bored in my entire life? You know what’s worse than being hungover? Being hungover and BORED! Go to bored to check out fun things to do when you are bored. I’m going to Artisenal tonight. It’s sure to be delicious.
So, I went a little nuts on Friday night and decided to cut my own hair. See a picture of it---> and tell me what you think. I think perhaps I missed my true calling as a hairdresser. Although, I imagine I might be a beauty school drop out.
The source of my hangover is a place called Swing in Hell’s Kitchen. It was a ton of fun! The end of the night gets a little fuzzy but it went a little something like this:
Me: Can I get another martini please
Bartender: Coming right up (do people really SAY that anymore?)
Me: Can I get another…. ?
Bartender: Yes beautiful
Me: Can I get blugh… (drools on self)
And so on….
Actually, I don’t think I was QUITE that drunk… However I DO remember dancing with a quite hideous French lad. Actually, I take it back, he wasn’t so much hideous as he was just ugly. In addition to the fact that he was ugly, he was also a bad dancer. I’ve seen better moves from a decomposing corpse. Although, I think he was probably just as stiff.
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