Gettin' Squiddy With It!

Squid has been a very popular blog topic of late as both Zain and Kurt have contributed. I feel the need to wrap my own tentacles about this spineless 8 legged sea creature. First, I want to start by saying, squids are delicious and versatile. Second, I wish to dive into some hypotheticals about squids. Third, I may have to point out some fun and interesting squid trivia.
Yesterday, I ate squid ink trenette with grilled calamari. Bam!!! That was delicious! What’s cool is they actually infuse the pasta with squid ink. Which was my point about their versatility, not only do they provide us with food, they also provide us with a very useful office supply. They are like the Staples of the sea! I have to add that the ink lends a delicate flavor to the pasta. This dish topped with a nice bottle of chianti and some fava beans… Life just doesn’t get much better than that. Actually, I didn’t have fava beans. What are fava beans anyway?
So here is a hypothetical that I want to pose. What if there were LAND squids!! Just imagine a gigantic squid walking around New York – taking the subway (how would they get through the turnstiles?), eating at restaurants (I imagine they would NOT frequent restaurants with calamari on the menu), shopping at Tiffany’s (what kind of jewelry would they wear?), living amongst us… Again, I feel like they would be very industrious. They can literally do like, eight different things at once!
Finally, some fun giant squid trivia:
In addition to humans, sperm whales also enjoy them as a snack
They are amorphous!
They have the largest eyes of any creature in the animal kingdom
Ok, enough facts… if you want more, look here
You have to see the "Iron Chef" episode that featured squid! Just imagine squid ink ice cream...
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