Sunday, September 18, 2005

A Matter of Faith

Today is Sunday. Sunday brings about a host of various feelings for various people. Some folks think football. Others, think about sleeping in and lingering over a big brunch and bloody mary's. A lot of people I know experience the "Sunday before Monday - I-can't-believe-I-have-to-go-to-work-tomorrow - this Sucks!" dread. All that aside, I would like to address something that many Americans associate with Sunday --> church. I'd like to refer to faith. Not to be confused with religion. While both relate to beliefs, one relates to a very specific set of beliefs while the other has more to do with a simple confidence that does not need material proof or evidence. Faith is more what strikes me. Believing in something bigger than myself. I found a nice little church in my borough that I hope to start attending with some sort of regularity. It's a nice way to put things into perspective for the week. Taking an hour to think outside one's self and to consider other issues besides your typical stressors like bills, work, chores, etc is positive and uplifting. I read in Time magazine a few issues ago that individuals in their teens are becoming more religious. According to recent statistics, there is an increase in the faithful in this country, especially among the post Baby Boomer generations. I think everyone should and can spend one hour a week doing something fulfilling that they believe in. Some people might do yoga, or volunteer, or whatever. Nonetheless, having faith is important.

I have faith in:

- Myself
- The general good nature of people
- My cats
- My ability to change
- My 'rents
- This awesome blog


Blogger Colin said...

Cats? You have faith in cats? That is a lot of faith.

11:08 AM  

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