Sunday, October 09, 2005


I'm uninspired of late... I don't seem to have a whole lot to post. I'm reading a new book now, it's the next big thing from Lauren Weisberger of the Devil Wears Prada fame. I can't stop reading it - Everyone Worth Knowing. I think perhaps b/c it speaks to young female New Yorkers trying to get their personal and professional lives together and finding it a very difficult balance. So, supposedly, they are going to blow up the subways today, so I think perhaps I'll stay home and go into Manhattan tomorrow. I'm watching this rather prophetic movie The Siege. I always liked this movie, long before 9/11. My roommate's houseguests finally left. A whole 15 days of having houseguests has left me clamoring for the ability to walk around my apartment in my underwear singing along to awful 80's music at the top of my lungs... Perhaps the next night my roommate stays @ her boyfriend's house, I will get such an opportunity. It's nice and cool today and I'm finally feeling like my old self... Being one of those excessively hot people (read: warm not "hot" - although feel free to think what you will), I'm so happy I can finally exist in a climate that allows for my physical well-being. I need something to eat... I went to the local bodega to pick up my latte and some other sundries, and when I went to pay, I forgot that they don't take debit cards. As I didn't have any cash on me, the owner was nice enough to let me pay him back tomorrow. I love that about this borough - as big as it is, my neighborhood still has this "small town feel." My hair feels soft today. If I have time to blow it out, it actually feels normal... Otherwise, it's this unruly mess that falls somewhere between curly and straight.

Mmmm, nothing like leftover Saturday night pizza for Sunday brunch...I'm happy to report that NOT only did I get my Saturday Wall Street Journal, but I actually got it today! I had to call the WSJ 800 number to tell them to HIDE my paper because, as you all know, it keeps getting stolen! So, it remained hidden, right in the secret hiding space where only I could find it. Needless to say, it was quite the treat. I have yet to bust that puppy open but will probably do so either A) before I take my nap or B) before I go to sleep tonight. It's 1pm and I have the entire Sunday in front of me... What shall I do with all this time?


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