Deep Thoughts

(I may be uninspired but check out this great handbag I just bought! It's a rich, chocolate suede and it's SO fall!! It's SO now!!)
OK - I thought I'd blog a little. I don't really have anything of value to say (as I'm still uninspired) so I'm just gonna write whatever comes out... I had a rather uneventful weekend which consisted of not moving from my couch. My blackberry is not syncing properly b/c I think there is something amis w/the connection to my computer. In order to rectify this, I have to get on my hands and knees and go under my desk and jiggle that wire around... Well, considering that I'm wearing a skirt, I'm not really in the mood to do that... There are a lot of things I"m not realy in the mood to do... So I LOVE the temperature in NYC now, but I'm hating this lack of sunlight... They need to bring back nap time. Someone is eating chinese food and it smells really good. I want to steal their food away from them but alas, I cannot. I'm on a smoothie fast for a week... I'm drinking wheatgrass and smoothies all week in addition to oatmeal for breakfast. It's time to jumpstart my diet. This diet includes unlimited amounts of coffee, diet coke and cigarettes as I will need the stimulants in order to function like a regular human being. Maybe I need to head over to Starbux... Perhaps I'll find something there to perk me up.
So it's been like a day and I feel like I'm about to keel over and die of hunger... Something tells me that a lot of coffee will do little for my mood or my sleep... I find I'm also cold. Although, this is actually a good thing as we all know I'm hot like ALL the time...
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