Port Salut - Poor Me

As I sit here on my couch, eating my eclectic mix of dinner foods, I find myself reminiscing about this weekend and wondering what the following week holds for Mozo... Before I describe my weekend, I would like to describe what I'm eating for dinner. I've been told by Moops when I used to live with her that I eat like a college student. I think I still do... However, today, I made my way over to the health food store to try and mix it up a bit. So here's what's for dinner:
Port Salute - this is actually melting as I'm typing... This buttery, creamy cheese is absolutely delicious and perfectly spreadable on a round of fresh
White Sour Dough - this ain't no Wonder Bread!
In addition to the Port Salut, I had to go with a harder cheese from my home country of course so
Holland Gouda to go with the Port. This is a saltier, more solid cheese that is complimented by the
Grapes and Raspberries - that I have to say both lack flare... They must be out of season I guess.
In addition, I felt the need to get my greens in by drinking an Odwalla Superfood - Micronutrient drink. It may be green but this shit tastes like B-A-N-A-N-A-S.
Finally, for dessert, I top it all off with a couple squares of Ritter Sport milk chocolate with almonds. All in all, a perfect Sunday dinner. It's worth noting that I didn't change out of my pj's all day... Now, I say this not because I'm proud of this fact. I think it might be a cry for help. I was wearing the blue pj pants that have white little polar bears on them. Does this make me one of those crazy people walking around New York City? Granted, I was sporting sunglasses as I walked to the store... One would think this might make me look edgy and cool - not crazy and homeless. But then again, who knows... too many crazy, homeless, pj wearing individuals in NYC to distinguish.
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