Friday, November 03, 2006


It has been one hell of a week and October has been one helluva month!

I’ve been working hard on several projects. First and foremost – I got my post bac pre med school applications in! Woo hoo! I’m applying to NYU, Columbia, Hunter and LIU. Yup – I’m on a long road to med school and beyond… Obviously, I have a long road to travel but hey, what else was I planning on doing for the rest of my life? I’ll be taking hard science undergrad classes at night for the next two or so years. Basically, I will have even less free time than I already do. So if you want a piece of the Myrna-Love, get in on that action while you still can.

I ate a bucket of fried chicken last night! Yes, I finally did it. And you know, it wasn’t as exciting or wonderful as I had hoped. Here are my remarks

The chicken was saltier than I expected
There is actually very little chicken, and a whole lot of bone, skin, and crispy stuff
The chicken pieces are kind of small
So, all in all, yummy, but not the bucket of heaven I was expecting. Oh well, it’s not healthy anyway, so that’s ok.

My mom is coming to visit in less than 3 weeks. Casa de Mozo is in pretty decent shape, although, I’ve been thinking about getting some fun throw pillows to add to my somewhat bland coach/sofa collection. I may do that tomorrow before the dinner party I’m throwing.

Tomorrow’s dinner party menu looks something reminiscent of a TGIFriday’s appetizer menu. Quesadilla’s, Taquito’s, Tater Skins and some other fatty, delectable items I haven’t chosen yet. It’s a huge wonder why I have a personal trainer but I’m not a skinny waif, huh?


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