I baked brownies for for some firefighters today. I was watching a documentary hosted by Robert DiNiro about NYC Firefighters last night when I was baking and deemed them the deserving recipients. I walked all over midtown looking for a local firehouse. I finally found one on 54th and 8th. I felt a bit nervous as I walked in - mixed emotions perhaps. I figured everyone would be leaving flowers and since my brownies are such a big hit, I wanted to do something more interesting/original. Well, upon entering the house, I realized that others must've had the same idea as I did. A huge table was set up with casserole dishes, desserts, cobblers, pies, etc. My brownies looked almost puny in comparison. Oh well, I got to smile at a cute firefighter and he smiled back. That smile makes everything worth it. The guys in the house seemed in good spirits. Thanks to all the NYC Fire Fighters, NYPD, and first responders for everything you do.
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