Tuesday, August 15, 2006

No more Jabber-Jaw...

I'm very unhappy and pained to report that my TMJ attack is in full flare up mode. What does this mean, exactly? Well, for starters, see post below and click on link to learn more about the condition. I cannot open or close my mouth properly at the moment because my jaw muscles are in some weird stress cramp. Not full-out lock jaw, but almost. Worst part - I can't chew. Anything. I just consumed a cheese sandwich (on brown Wonder with Kraft singles) by taking off little bites with my front teeth (I knew they were good for something) and mushing it around in my mouth with saliva till it was soft enough to swallow. It was an entirely different experiencing a sandwich this way. It wouldn't be so awful but it's pretty painful and not being able to open or close my mouth properly just sort of sucks. Guess it's soup for a while...


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