Best Week Ever:

I am going to start posting a regular column at the end of every week, a la the VH1 show Best Week Ever. Similar to the show, I will be describing personal haps, peeps, and (most likely) eats, that rocked Mozo’s world throughout. ENJOY!
My friend Weenie – who extended an olive branch by uttering the following statement: “I am not Hezbollah over here.” Thanks for clearing that up, Weenie. I had my doubts there for a brief moment.
The Jewish Circumcision Bris Ceremony – attended my first one of these this morning for a friend. Very eye-opening and ear splitting depending where you sit. I had never attended an event like this before. They perform the circumcision right there in the synagogue and then, after, everyone has coffee and breakfast. For more on this ceremony, click here.
Coke Zero – Catherine has given this latest low-cal coke product the thumbs-up and now, after having consumed serious amounts, I am doing the same. Seriously, I’ve had enough caffeine this week to kill a dog.
Udon Noodle Soup – this shit is the bomb (see above)! If you’ve never tried it, get out there and order some of this immediately. It will set you free...
Con Edision – ok, you’ve actually had the WORST week ever. I know several people who are still without electricity. Brutal.
i would kill for some Udon right now. KILL.
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