Friday, July 07, 2006


I have absoultely nothing to write about so we're going to play a little game of mindstream. Here's how it works. I start writing about something and just keep going and going until either I figure you won't want to read anymore, or I get tired of writing. Ok, ready, set, GO:

I'm eating chicken lo mein for lunch today - I've been eating it slowly so it's been sitting on my desk for the past 2 and 1/2 hours. It's supposed to be extra-extra spicy but really it's just kind of spicy. Restaurants are always so hesitant to make things really spicy. This kind of annoys me because if a person adds an extra EXTRA to their spicy SPICY, one would think that we are very sure of our desire for spicy. But perhaps it's hesitation on the order-taker's part. THEY themselves are not comfortable with their level of spicy and project that uncertainty onto YOU and YOUR order. This is just wrong and I strongly encourage you order-takers to quit projecting your insecurities onto the rest of us.

In other news, I competed in a soccer tourney last week. Fun times - I'll post some pics.

Las Vegas was my most recent vacation destination. I'll put some pics of up that later. Highlights included me mounting a statue, staying at the HOOTERS hotel, and staying up for 24 hours straight drinking copious amounts of booze and partying heavily.


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