September Oh September!

How wonderful that one of the year's pivotal months is upon us! September is possibly the greatest month of the year. I find this month holds more promise than any other month of the year. A notable season shift takes place during this month. The dog days of summer are replaced with crisper air and the sun rises slightly later each day allowing us those extra minutes of rest before the sun hits our bedroom window. Fall whispers that it is just around the corner - thus, we ready ourselves by digging our longsleves out of summer storage, turning off the air conditioner, and looking forward to drinking apple cider and eating pumpkin pie. In addition to introducing the year to fall, September is also the ninth month of the year- my LUCKY number. Thus, one could assume that this is my luckiest month of the year. While I don't believe this to be true necessarily, I am on heightened alert this month for serendipitous occurences. Finally, I would like to paste the lyrics to my favorite song on the planet. September by that great band Earth, Wind and Fire:
Do you remember the 21st night of september? Love was changing the minds of pretendersWhile chasing the clouds awayOur hearts were ringingIn the key that our souls were singing.As we danced in the night,Remember how the stars stole the night awayBa de ya - say do you rememberBa de ya - dancing in septemberBa de ya - never was a cloudy dayMy thoughts are with youHolding hands with your heart to see youOnly blue talk and love,Remember how we knew love was here to stayNow december found the love that we shared in september.Only blue talk and love,Remember the true love we share todayBa de ya - say do you rememberBa de ya - dancing in septemberBa de ya - never was a cloudy dayBa de ya - say do you rememberBa de ya - dancing in septemberBa de ya - golden dreams were shiny days
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