Friday, October 14, 2005

Here Lies Mozo...

Here lies Mozo. It was made public that early this morning 10/14, Mozo lost her battle with a bag of cheetos. This, in addition to losing her wallet, which was fortunately found only minutes before her untimely demise - however, not before traveling all the way to Brooklyn and realizing that the wallet was missing and having to parlay this to one VERY unhappy cab driver. Around the seventh hour of the day, Mozo has awoken - and from the looks of it outside, similar to a groundhog in February or one very embarresed ostrich, she has stuck her head BACK under the covers and decided to take the day off. Unfortunately, not having my wallet OR MY PAPER!!! GRRRRRR.... I cannot get a bacon, egg and cheese unless I pay with spare change. Although, going back to my all liquid thing, I will most likely buy an Odwalla Superfood - the green kind. This should get me at least somewhat right again. In an oddly prophetic gesture, I bought a bottle of seltzer water the other day which has been very useful to me with my upset tummy from the cheetos*. However, after having lost my cheetos at approximately 6:30 this morning, I am feeling like a million dollars and will probably spend the day with Kurtje as he is leaving soon and has my wallet. I think tomorrow, Noah is going to float his cruise ship down the East River and start collecting the animals. No lie, this city is begining to take on a very Day After Tomorrow gloom. I believe this may be why New Yorkers have upped their dosage of Xanax/Paxil/Wellbutrin/younameit since the sun hasn't made an appearance in about a week. For the select few not on Xanax, there are always pints of fresh imported Belgian Stella, fatty, cheesy mexican food, and cheetos to make you right again. As for me, after shaking the reminants of last night from my head, I may spend the day as a tourist in NYC and do something fun like walk around Central Park or go see a movie .. something I haven't done in about a year. As someone very wise said to me yesterday, I'm young, I'm in New York City, and the world is my Oyster... Let's see what pearls this city yields for me today... But I'll attack that right after a nap.

* and chicken echiladas, and a pitcher of margaritas, and two-for-one pints of Stella Artois, and a couple cigarettes...


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