Shark Attack- Area Man Fights Back

Some of you know I have a thing for sharks. I have my entire life... I won the science fair in the 3rd grade when I did my report and project on sharks and have been slightly obsessed ever since. A dream vacation for me would be to go on one of those shark-diving expeditions where they put you in the cage and lower you into the middle of a feeding frenzy of hungry hammer-heads or great-whites. It all started when I read Shark Lady by Eugene Clark. In fact, on our yearly family excursions to bali, I would always go snorkling in search of sharks (brave girl, I was). Unfortunately, the most I ever found was this snake - which, come to find out, is one of the worlds deadliest! Yet, I digress. While I am fascinated by these big fish, I also have a very healthy respect (let's call it what it is- FEAR) for these guys. But it looks like this guy retaliated by punching a shark that tried to eat him. He's my idol! (and incidently, not bad looking either)
I don't get it. You are terrified of flying; but think it would be great for someone to lock you in a cage, submerge you, and be surrounded by sharks.
Oh! Big news -I kicked the fear of flying. Dropped it like a bad habit.
Well that's great! Last year I suddenly developed a fear of flying. I almost had a panic attack while we were landing. I do think it has something to do with them switching from peanuts to pretzels. I used to dose myself with benadryl on flights and I stopped doing that. I guess I will have to start doping myself up again.
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