Thursday, December 22, 2005

Strike Stuff

So apparently the MTA workers have been urged to come back to work. I imagine it will take at least 24 hours if not 48 to get everything up and running once again. So tonight might be my last forced walk 8 mile home... For all my lamenting about this strike, I think secretly enjoyed these walks. I mean, my IPOD and Blackberry made it bearable, but there is something about walking 8 miles to work that makes you start to appreciate things like the subway. I must say, I have also gathered a renewed appreciation for my legs and youth. I realize, I'm still young and healthy enough to be able to walk 16 miles a day. And while I'm hungry as a horse from all the walking, and my calves are as hard as rocks, I enjoy it! Humans certainly are not made to sit on our keisters all day staring @ computer screens. What's funny, is we've become so conditioned to NOT exercizing or working out... I heard people were falling asleep in front of their computer screens b/c they physically aren't used to all the walking... and it's only been 3 days! Having to walk has definitly opened my eyes to my lack of physical exercize in general. I think I'm going to continue walking but just 1x per day and most likely in the morning. And probably not every work day.

I actually car-pooled this morning from Brooklyn, and in order to cross the Manhattan Bridge you had to have at least 4 people in your vehicle, so we picked up a stranger. Which, I think, says something about New Yorkers - they are a resiliant bunch and do manage to help eachother out when necessary. I decided last night after walking over 2 hours that I needed to be in the company of good friends, so I headed on over to Brooklyn Heights to drink a lot of red wine (read: to ease the throbbing in my calves) and eat some delicious food with a phenomenal group of people.

All in all, my strike experiences have been positive. I know i was all sour-grapes before... but what can I say? I'm resistant to change I guess. Nevertheless, I'm glad the strike is over. Yeeeee haaaaa!


I haven't done a movie quote in a while. Here's another classic from another Mozo favorite:

Said in British Accent: "No you're not, you're LOVELY! It's vile Richard! Ugh, he's just a giant knob-head with no knob!"

If you haven't guessed it or don't know the movie - it's said by Bridget Jones in the appropriately titled Bridget Jones Diary. She is describing her friend's boyfriend who is not the greatest guy. Incidently, while she is saying this, her boss, played by the delicious dish - Hugh Grant overhears her conversation and this makes for a rather embarressing moment for the endearing, not-so-elegant Jones.


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