Monday, November 06, 2006

I Luv iLuv

I would like to introduce my readership to a little brand I recently discovered called iLuv. This little brand makes MP3 and IPod accessories affordable to the general public. Not that these aren’t already, but with iLuv, you’re not paying for a big name such as Sony or IPod which probably marks their products up 50% or more. I mean, $40 for a pair of earbuds that are DESTINED to stop working after 4 months seems a little steep in my book. Why not spend $20 or less for similar quality earbuds that will break in the same amount of time. Seems logical to me. Anyway, check out their stuff.

Friday, November 03, 2006


It has been one hell of a week and October has been one helluva month!

I’ve been working hard on several projects. First and foremost – I got my post bac pre med school applications in! Woo hoo! I’m applying to NYU, Columbia, Hunter and LIU. Yup – I’m on a long road to med school and beyond… Obviously, I have a long road to travel but hey, what else was I planning on doing for the rest of my life? I’ll be taking hard science undergrad classes at night for the next two or so years. Basically, I will have even less free time than I already do. So if you want a piece of the Myrna-Love, get in on that action while you still can.

I ate a bucket of fried chicken last night! Yes, I finally did it. And you know, it wasn’t as exciting or wonderful as I had hoped. Here are my remarks

The chicken was saltier than I expected
There is actually very little chicken, and a whole lot of bone, skin, and crispy stuff
The chicken pieces are kind of small
So, all in all, yummy, but not the bucket of heaven I was expecting. Oh well, it’s not healthy anyway, so that’s ok.

My mom is coming to visit in less than 3 weeks. Casa de Mozo is in pretty decent shape, although, I’ve been thinking about getting some fun throw pillows to add to my somewhat bland coach/sofa collection. I may do that tomorrow before the dinner party I’m throwing.

Tomorrow’s dinner party menu looks something reminiscent of a TGIFriday’s appetizer menu. Quesadilla’s, Taquito’s, Tater Skins and some other fatty, delectable items I haven’t chosen yet. It’s a huge wonder why I have a personal trainer but I’m not a skinny waif, huh?