Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Curly Que

I am watching the Olympics - what's up with this weird sport called Curling? It's like a bunch of dudes mopping at the ice. Very strange... It begs a whole host of questions. For example:

How does one aspire to be a Curler?
Why would one aspire to be a curler?
Do they have a professional curling league?

Tuesday, February 14, 2006


Saturday, February 11, 2006

Will You Be My Valentine?

Who is going to be my valentine this year?

I am keeping an open mind, but something that I definitly want - is a SweetHeart Brownie Blast from Sonic.

Does anyone know where I can get one here in New York?

Some Snippets of Me

So, Damasta lifted this from another blog. Thought I would do the same. Enjoy:

A couple things about Mozo:

What is your favorite word?
Actually - which is funy b/c when Love Actually came out, I nearly died. It's such a great word for a variety of reasons. First, it rolls off the tongue. Second, if you are saying it, something juicy is bound to follow. For example: Actually, Mozo is the hottest chick on earth! See...

What is your least favorite word? I don't have a least favorite word. I find myself to be very verbose.

What turns you on creatively, spiritually or emotionally? Music that I love. Usually cheesy 80's music. All I Need Is A Miracle by Mike and the Mechanics... Does it get any better than that? Oh, and coffee. I discovered coffee in graduate school and I've never looked back.

What is your favorite curse word? Starts with F - rhymes with Chuck.

What sound or noise do you love? The sound of the phone ringing when it's someone I really want to talk to. Or, someone calling my name who I really want to talk to. You know what? That question should actually (see, it's such a great word) ask - what SMELL do you love? I love the way a kitchen smells when it's in full throttle - garlic, meaty, soupy, cheesy smells.

What sound or noise do you hate? People arguing or fighting. It upsets me greatly.

What profession other than your own would you like to attempt? Writing

What profession would you not like to do? Anything involving math. I can't math my way out of a paper bag.

If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates? Did you bring party favors?

Taxicab Confessions

Newly discovered hangover cure!

- Beef Jerky
- Plain Tostitos
- Salsa
- Alka seltzer

I woke up this morning with my scarf still on but minus one sock.

People have been talking a lot about cabs of late. I think everyone in NYC has their own cab tale of woe. These stories include but are not limited to: calling the FBI b/c you think you're being "kidnapped" by the cab driver when really you are parked outside your friend's house or vomiting in a cab and then having a cabbie chase you into the subway tunnel to make you pay for cleaning it up. And as you probably know, I have had issues with cab drivers before. But last night must have been payback for all my cab transgressions. I had to go to the ATM b/c I didn't have enough to pay the driver, but he decided to hold my bag (and wallet) hostage after I got out of the cab. Considering that my computer was in my bag, in addition to my wallet, blackberry, several good books, and some other personal items, I started freaking out. He told me that he wouldn't give me my stuff back till I paid him. Unfortunately, I couldn't go to the ATM until I got my wallet. He said he'd call the cops if I didn't pay him right then and there. So I told him to call the cops, which was so annoying b/c I had to wait for 20 minutes before cops arrived. When, if he had just given me my stuff, I could have gone to the ATM , paid him and gone upstairs to sleep. The cops arrived and one waited w/the cabbie while the other one walked with me to the ATM. Stupid cab driver!

Thursday, February 09, 2006

What Movie Is This From?

Ok - time to play the guessing game. What movie is this quote from?

Do you have a mint? Or some binaca?

If you need a hint, the person saying it is bent over and staring out between his own legs.

Tres sexy!~

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Guilty Pleasures and Walking Tall

I’ve started this new thing, where I wake up every day at some ridiculously early hour between 4:30 and 6:30am. Granted, I also fall asleep at hours that I used to call “BedTime” back when I was 7 years old… But that’s neither here nor there. I enjoy lounging around my apartment playing with my new toy and watching t.v. I used to watch the News but I no longer have the stomach for that. Now, I turn it on HBO or some movie channel. Well, this morning, I stumbled upon another gem. I’m a little embarrassed to admit this, but I started watching DIRTY DANCING. But not the ORIGINAL DD but the new and IMPROVED Dirty Dancing: Havana Nights! Everything about this little gem is just something to drink up. The actors, the costumes, the setting, the dancing, the cameo by Patrick Swayze as (gasp!) the dance instructor… even the soundtrack is something you can shake your booty to. I am going to On-Demand this when I get home tonight! I’m definitely downloading the soundtrack ASAP.

In other news, speaking of pleasure – I realized I was doing something rather unpleasurable lately but found a way to rectify it. I was standing on the crowded D train on my way into work this morning and I realized that the stance I was holding required my lower back to sustain the majority of my upper body. As you know, I’ve suffered from
back issues before. I realized that if I just shifted my rear-end slightly under me, it straightens out everything! Who knew that such a simple shift in posture could cause such a dramatic change?!

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Weekend Stuff

Good weekend! Have been playing with my new toy. I decided to get the Apple G4 Powerbook 12" instead of the Ibook. Why not get the best money can buy? In addition, when I got to the Apple store in SOHO, I banged out a couple keys on the Ibook and then on the Powerbook - this is just a much sturdier machine. I have to say I'm absolutely in love with it. I never thought I could be so in love with a piece of technology, but I am. Am I turning into a computer geek? I also picked up a wireless router today so now, I can effectively blog when I'm in my bedroom or around the apartment.

Hit a couple spots in the LES this weekend. Had a few drinks @ Delancy on (you guessed it!) Delancy. This is actually a very decent watering hole tucked away right off the side of the Williamsburg Bridge. In addition to it's rather out of the way location, it's home to a tropical upstairs tiki lounge and a cavernous underground bar area. I recommend*. In addition, I finally made my way over to THOR. For the longest time I avoided this place but decided to check it out w/my friend Christine. The scene was pretty much exactly what I expected - beautiful, interesting looking people melting into the furniture and eachother. The bartender that looks like a blond Tom Cruise is particularly funny. I nearly spat out my drink at one point on account of his disarming humour.

Taught my first Sunday class today. To think that I have to be up at 9am for the next 15 Sundays is slightly daunting but I welcome the change. Otherwise, I'd be stuck in my pajamas migrating between the couch and my bed all day. At least now I get to meander through the city once I'm finished with class. For example, today I checked out the Chinese New Years Day Parade. Good little celebration they had down there.

So, the SuperBowl is going on right now and I think I may be the only person on EARTH not watching it. There is barely any noise emanating from the usually loud and crowded street below. I think I'm going to wrap up this Sunday evening by finishing watching my old favorite - A Few Good Men (it's on HBO) and finish reading A Girls Guide To Hunting and Fishing (recommendation by Christine last night). Here's hoping for a decent week. Out.

* Update: The Delancy also touts EXOTIC Alaskan bar-staff.

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Tore Him A New One, I Did!

So check this out. Not sure how or why... I thinking it's living in New York that does this to a girl. But in the recent months, I have grown a pair that even the most confident individual would envy. We're talking cojones folks, and apparently, I got 'em.

Here's what went down: This guy writes the following left-handed e-mail to me to my account. I will let his e-mail and my response do all the explaining from here on out. Not sure if I'm inspired b/c I have a new COMPUTER or what but what you are about to see is nothing short of poetry.

Guy on Match writes:

Just curious--you are very cute, but please change your profile. yes, we get the sarcasm (hopefully that is the point) but why not demonstrate the fun, spunky side of yourself as you appear in your photos.
but what do i know? maybe your approach works, best, mike

Mozo replies:

Interesting email, Mike. I see you have nothing better to do on a Saturday night than to anonymously insult people. What a winner you must be. You feel the need to deride my "approach" as you call it yet why don't we take a minute to analyse yours, shall we? You start off with a compliment about my appearance - why not butter her up by saying something nice about how she looks - you're probably thinking. But then you move on and insult my profile. While I suppose I appreciate your honesty, I can't say that your criticism was solicited in any way. I'm not sure if this is the common approach YOU use to pick up girls on match but my guess - it's probably got a pretty low hit ratio. You write, "Please change your profile." My response to that is - Please get some savvy, dude! A little finesse never hurt anyone. Too bad, you're not bad looking either.

Warmest Regards - Mozo

Friday, February 03, 2006

My Experience @ Tao

I ate at Tao last night. Not a bad joint. A lot of hype though. I dropped a hundie on the meal and drinks. This included tax and tip but it's still a lot. You pay for the experience I suppose as you are eating in a rather sumptuous setting. I started with the veggie dumplings and then moved on to the ginger glazed salmon with udon noodles. My fish was cooked medium and perfectly buttery. It had that slight crunch on the outside with that wonderfully, buttery, melt in your mouth texture in the middle. Perfectly pink, perfectly cooked. I ate my food very slowly as I wanted to savor it. While the immediate company I was in was terrific, the crowd at the bar left something to be desired... Let me ask you something, when did people in NYC become SO obnoxious? Granted, it might have been the scene at the place but come on! I finally had to say something extremely inappropriate to get this dude to leave me alone. DON'T READ ANY FUTHER IF YOU ARE SQUEEMISH: But I basically had to tell the guy that I suffered from 6 month raging yeast infection. Let me tell you how effective this is if you want a guy to leave you alone. There was a trail of smoke left in his wake as he ran away from me.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Groundhog Day!!

I awoke to the tune of, I Got You Babe this morning... Bad omen... I'm afraid... Am I going to become just like Bill Murray in Groundhog Day??!! This does seem STRANGELY familiar....