Saturday, February 11, 2006

Taxicab Confessions

Newly discovered hangover cure!

- Beef Jerky
- Plain Tostitos
- Salsa
- Alka seltzer

I woke up this morning with my scarf still on but minus one sock.

People have been talking a lot about cabs of late. I think everyone in NYC has their own cab tale of woe. These stories include but are not limited to: calling the FBI b/c you think you're being "kidnapped" by the cab driver when really you are parked outside your friend's house or vomiting in a cab and then having a cabbie chase you into the subway tunnel to make you pay for cleaning it up. And as you probably know, I have had issues with cab drivers before. But last night must have been payback for all my cab transgressions. I had to go to the ATM b/c I didn't have enough to pay the driver, but he decided to hold my bag (and wallet) hostage after I got out of the cab. Considering that my computer was in my bag, in addition to my wallet, blackberry, several good books, and some other personal items, I started freaking out. He told me that he wouldn't give me my stuff back till I paid him. Unfortunately, I couldn't go to the ATM until I got my wallet. He said he'd call the cops if I didn't pay him right then and there. So I told him to call the cops, which was so annoying b/c I had to wait for 20 minutes before cops arrived. When, if he had just given me my stuff, I could have gone to the ATM , paid him and gone upstairs to sleep. The cops arrived and one waited w/the cabbie while the other one walked with me to the ATM. Stupid cab driver!


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