Christmas in July?

Something I'm noticing... They put the Christmas trees out RIGHT after Halloween. You know, I bet shop keepers stand there with stop watches and the SECOND it becomes November, they start putting up the holly, miseltoe, and twinkly lights. I stayed w/a friend who kept his tree out till like, past March... I say, why take that shit down? Why not just keep it up year round?! I mean, if you're gonna put it up 2 months in advance, you might as well! In fact, I would mind starting a movement. The Year Round Christmas Alliance or the YRCA for short. It could even be introduced as a sister organization to the better known YMCA and YWCA (although, I guess it's difficult to consider it a sister organization as the YWCA is essentially already a sister organization of the greater YMCA; perhaps it could be considered a cousin...) ...