Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Christmas in July?

Something I'm noticing... They put the Christmas trees out RIGHT after Halloween. You know, I bet shop keepers stand there with stop watches and the SECOND it becomes November, they start putting up the holly, miseltoe, and twinkly lights. I stayed w/a friend who kept his tree out till like, past March... I say, why take that shit down? Why not just keep it up year round?! I mean, if you're gonna put it up 2 months in advance, you might as well! In fact, I would mind starting a movement. The Year Round Christmas Alliance or the YRCA for short. It could even be introduced as a sister organization to the better known YMCA and YWCA (although, I guess it's difficult to consider it a sister organization as the YWCA is essentially already a sister organization of the greater YMCA; perhaps it could be considered a cousin...) ...

Swedish Fish

Here is something I don't get... why are swedish fish sold in gourmet food stores? What's so gourmet about what are essentially gummy bears in the shape of fish?? Now, I've had several people give me their reasons: they are sold in foreign countries, they are special... Umm, ok, but as far as I know, that's no reason to consider them GOURMET. I think I have an answer- the "powers that be" met and had a secret meeting about Swedish Fish. In this meeting, there was a conspiracy created about selling what are actually NORMAL, PLAIN, BORING, slightly sweet, gummy candy in the shape of (gasp!) FISH to the general public as GOURMET FOOD. Now THAT idea is genius! I would like to speak w/the brainchild behind this whole Swedish Fish thing... If anyone knows him or her, please send them my way.