Here Is What I Ate For Lunch:
I’m only sharing this with you because I find it interesting:
A Double Quarter Pounder with Cheese
Medium Fries
And 6 McNuggets
I ate all of it in the span of about ½ hour. I feel a bit disgusted with myself at the moment. But that’s not why I’m writing this post. I feel no guilt. I live without apology. I’m allowed to treat myself from time to time. Out of sheer interest, I decided to Google the Caloric and Fat content of my meal. Here are the stats:
Dbl Qrtr Pounder: 730 Cal and 40gr of fat
Med Fries: 380 Cal and 20gr of fat
6 McNugs: 250 Cal and 15gr of fat
My lunch totals: 1360 Calories and 75gr of fat.
So, here are my conclusions about this lunch. The amount of calories are not surprising to me. I had a granola bar before eating this meal so I’m probably at about 1600 calories for the day. I can go the rest of the day without eating and will most likely be inclined to do so as I’m completely stuffed. It’s the 75gr of fat that are more tricky. For my lifestyle (I lift weights w/a personal trainer 3x per week and do cardio about 2x per week) I need about 35gr of fat per day. Theoretically, I could not eat ANY fat tomorrow and even out. But that’s unrealistic. So, I have to spread that necessary fat deficit over 2 or 3 days eating things like oatmeal for breakfast, and salads for lunch.
I apologize to any of you readers who have gotten to this point and are like… WTF? Oh, did I mention I’m applying to pre-med programs around NYC?
My new personal trainer is HOTTY HOT HOT!!!!!
I Am Broken - I Am Renewed
I have to see a physiatrist on Wednesday. There is a good chance I have arthritis in my knee. Happy Happy Joy Joy Happy Happy Joy Joy! Chances are it's mild but I'll probably have to see a physical therapist for some time to get everything straightened out... In other news, I am starting with a new personal trainer next week. My latest personal trainer did a lot for getting me back in shape, but I'm ready to hit the weight machines hard using a different style akin to body building. No no - I'm not going to get all jacked like this fellow. But I am going to kick it up a notch.
No Offense To a Prominent Religious Figure But....
What has THIS GUY been smoking??? Is the Pope on dope??
Here is another oh-so-difficult movie quote. Let's see if you guys can get this one."It smells like barbequed dog hair."Here is a HINT.
I baked brownies for for some firefighters today. I was watching a documentary hosted by Robert DiNiro about NYC Firefighters last night when I was baking and deemed them the deserving recipients. I walked all over midtown looking for a local firehouse. I finally found one on 54th and 8th. I felt a bit nervous as I walked in - mixed emotions perhaps. I figured everyone would be leaving flowers and since my brownies are such a big hit, I wanted to do something more interesting/original. Well, upon entering the house, I realized that others must've had the same idea as I did. A huge table was set up with casserole dishes, desserts, cobblers, pies, etc. My brownies looked almost puny in comparison. Oh well, I got to smile at a cute firefighter and he smiled back. That smile makes everything worth it. The guys in the house seemed in good spirits. Thanks to all the NYC Fire Fighters, NYPD, and first responders for everything you do.
Who Wudda Thunk It?
That this is my old car??