Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Will The Real Big Bird Please Stand Up?

Big Bird Bedlam! Is there an Imposter in the happy land of puppets?!

This has been bothering me for a long long time. Perhaps someone out there can lend some insight. As some of you may know, I am ½ Dutch ½ American. I was raised on Dutch Sesame Street aka Sesam Straat. All the characters are pretty much the same, Bert, Ernie, Cookie Monster, etc. except for one rather large discrepancy. Big Bird is not yellow and his name does not translate to Big Bird (which incidently would be Groote Vogel). He is a very large BLUE bird bearing no resemblance to the US Big Bird as we know him. I find this to be disruptive and disturbing. What about all of those poor expat children who move to Holland from the US or vice versa? What is this MADNESS?? This must turn a 3 year old’s world upside down. Check out the pics and comment on this Big Bird Imposter for yourself.

There's Something About Andy

I think if you look closely, you will see that Andy Roddick IS the perfect man. Compare Da Vinci's Vitruvian Man to Andy here.

Borne of Dragons and Fallen Heroes

I went to the US Open with my friend Matt last night. We had the most amazing courtside seats! We started with watching Davenport kick some Chinese ass. Speaking of ass, Matt wanted to bite this girl’s butt. I did not feel the same way. However, I DO feel that way about Andy Roddick, who, in a nail-biting upset, lost to Gilles Muller of Luxembourg. This was some serious tennis! The crowd was on the edge of their seats as Gilles and Andy battled it out game-by-game, set-by-set. And to think, I almost did not attend this game. I believe it was tennis history in the making watching a tennis hero – Andy lose to a relative nobody. I’m sure my man Andy was simply having a rough night as it seems of late he has misplaced his mojo.

In other news, thanks to Harry Potter, I have now become obsessed with fantasy and my latest craze is the Inheritance series by Christopher Paolini who was 15 when he wrote the first installment in this dragon trilogy. The second book in this series Eldest, just recently hit store shelves. The author mentioned in a recent interview with a New York television station that he was homeschooled and graduated high school at 15. At this time, he proceeded to write his first book. Sounds like homeschooling is the way to go kids!

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Stuff on Myrna's Cats - wooo hooo!

So, I am mad crazy in love with This site is nothing short of genius. It has something for everyone. I pay homage to this website with this post and showing various pics of me and my kitties. Enjoy!


Help! Is it possible that I've never been this bored in my entire life? You know what’s worse than being hungover? Being hungover and BORED! Go to bored to check out fun things to do when you are bored. I’m going to Artisenal tonight. It’s sure to be delicious.

So, I went a little nuts on Friday night and decided to cut my own hair. See a picture of it---> and tell me what you think. I think perhaps I missed my true calling as a hairdresser. Although, I imagine I might be a beauty school drop out.

The source of my hangover is a place called Swing in Hell’s Kitchen. It was a ton of fun! The end of the night gets a little fuzzy but it went a little something like this:

Me: Can I get another martini please
Bartender: Coming right up (do people really SAY that anymore?)
Me: Can I get another…. ?
Bartender: Yes beautiful
Me: Can I get blugh… (drools on self)
And so on….

Actually, I don’t think I was QUITE that drunk… However I DO remember dancing with a quite hideous French lad. Actually, I take it back, he wasn’t so much hideous as he was just ugly. In addition to the fact that he was ugly, he was also a bad dancer. I’ve seen better moves from a decomposing corpse. Although, I think he was probably just as stiff.